Syntheses of evidence are of immense importance to clinical medicine, health systems and policy decision-making as well as in program implementation. The synthesis of evidence in a timely manner, using a fit-for-purpose approach, with clear articulation of purpose and proposed use, is a crucial component the global health ecosystem. Evidence syntheses can not only effectively illuminate global health problems but can also help challenge policy assumptions and offer implementation recommendations across diverse contexts. This seminar is one of a series on evidence synthesis for global health.
The first seminar hosts Dr Zohra Lassi, who would deliver a lecture on how evidence synthesis shaped the space of child and adolescent primary care followed by audience interaction and a fireside chat hosted with Dr Devaki Nambiar.
Mark your calendars for 14th January 2022 | 1400-15:00 IST
Ensuring continuum of care in child and adolescent primary care: how evidence synthesis shaped the space
Children and adolescents occupy core foundational years of health and development, and many will go on to be the parents of our future generations. Investing in the health on children and adolescents can have significant down-stream effects for longer-term outcomes particularly in those groups experiencing the greatest burden of disadvantage and poor health in her presentation, Dr Zohra will discuss the crucial, evidence-based interventions across the continuum of care to improve the health and nutrition of mothers, children, and adolescents, as well as strategies to improve healthcare-seeking for the improvement of child health.
Dr Zohra Lassi, Robinson Research Institute, University of Adelaide, Australia
Dr Lassi is an internationally recognized epidemiologist. Her work identifies interventions to improve reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health & nutrition in disadvantaged settings by advancing knowledge in public health practice and translation into global health policies and guidelines. Her work has been recognized through numerous national and international awards including the NHMRC Early Career Research Fellowship and the recent NHMRC Emerging Leadership award. She is also the recipient of the Women’s Excellence in Research Award from the University of Adelaide, and Healthy Development Adelaide; and she has also been conferred the 2021 Episteme Laureate Award from the Sigma Global Excellence.
Fireside Chat Host
Dr Devaki Nambiar is the Head of the Health Systems and Equity Program at The George Institute for Global Health, India. She has a doctorate in public health from Johns Hopkins and close to a decade and a half of research experience in over half a dozen countries and as many Indian states. Her interest is in research and action on the social and political determinants of health and health reform in resource-poor settings. A former Fulbright scholar, she has received awards from the US National Institutes of Health, the Welcome Trust/Department of Biotechnology India Alliance, Canada’s International Development Research Centre, as well as number of international and national research agencies.
Welcome Address
Dr Soumyadeep Bhaumik is the Co-Head, Meta-Research & Evidence Synthesis Unit, The George Institute for Global Health, India, He is a medical doctor and international public health specialist, working on evidence synthesis, meta-research, health policy and injury. His work in injury is focused on snakebite and drowning. He has been working on employing a diverse range of methodologies to ensure fit-for-purpose approaches to inform policy, practice, and future research. His work has informed multiple WHO guidelines, technical documents, and national policies.
Ms Samiksha Ingale is a public health researcher and a Consultant, Meta-research and Evidence Synthesis Unit, The George Institute for Global Health, India. She is working on several systematic reviews and evidence mapping projects.